четверг, 15 декабря 2011 г.

School blackboard theme

It is second of professional themes for competition "Day of Knowledge 2010"!
Created by SGH Team!


Drawn theme

It is one of professional themes for competition "Day of Knowledge 2010", where I have won first place!
Created by SGH Team!


понедельник, 12 декабря 2011 г.

How-to install patches on Samsung D900i

1. Download Clab
2. Press "Project" -> "Create..." and select your firmware *.cla (download it here)
3. Press OK, Yes and OK again.
4. Put and drope your downloaded patches in /D900iXEGF2/patches/
5. Launch Clab again :)
6. Select D900iXEGF2 folder and open D900iXEGF2.pro
7. Check all patches
8. Press Apply
9. Press DIF and save *.dif file
10. Flash this file via Open SFD :)

Camaro theme

My first theme ^_^

воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.

How to install themes to Samsung D900i

1. Download and unpack downloaded archive to somewhere.
2. Launch Open SFD
3. Power OFF your phone, plug-in it via data cable and shortly press Power ON button.
4. Your phone will be switched to Boot Mode :)
5. Choose "Flashing" tab and then choose "Flash DIF firmware/patch file(s)"
6. Press "Edit file list..."
7. Press "Add file(s)" and add *.dif file, where you have unpacked archive of theme and press "OK"
8. Press "Flash DIF file(s)" and wait for 1-2 minutes.
9. Press "OK" on pop-up window.
10. Choose "TFS Operations" tab and then choose "Flash TFS from TFS/CFG pair".
11. Select TFS and CFG files, where you have unpacked archive of theme.
12. Press "Flash files" and wait for 5-10 minutes.
13. Press "OK" and unplug your phone.
14. Enjoy :)

Open SFD - unofficial flasher/dumper

OpenSFD (Open Simple Flasher/Dumper) is a future of well-known SGHFD (SGH Flasher/Dumper) which can flash (firmware program) or dump (get data) many Samsung phones in a few clicks. (by Alexey Asemov)
So we (and you) will flash themes for Samsung D900i via this programm. :)
Download it here.